Welcome to our team. Volunteers are a vital and valued part of Lewisham Parent and Carer’s Forum (LPCF), and we hope you enjoy volunteering with us.

This agreement is a flexible and adaptable list explaining what we expect from you and what you should expect from us. It is binding in honour only. It is not intended to be a legally binding contract between us and may be cancelled at any time at the discretion of either party. Neither of us intend any employment relationship to be created either now or at any time in the future. We would ask that your volunteering opportunity be reviewed every 3 months. Unless we hear otherwise we will assume you are happy with its content.

We will:

  • introduce you to how the organisation works and your role in it;
  • give you opportunities to meet or have informal discussions with your main point of contact, who is Sue Stocks, so you can give and receive feedback about your volunteering tasks;
  • use your skills and interests appropriately;
  • respect your dignity and try to meet your individual wishes;
  • hope you will read and seek information about the activities of our Forum and demonstrate a willingness to follow the letter and spirit of our policies and procedures;
  • pay reasonable out-of-pocket expenses, as outlined in the Remuneration Policy;
  • keep you informed of changes to the organisation and your role;
  • insure you against injury you suffer or cause due to negligence whilst volunteering for us, under our Public Liability Insurance;
  • provide a safe environment in which you can volunteer, further details of which are in our Health & Safety Policy; (Yet to be completed)
  • treat you in line with our Equality & Diversity Policy and ensure you are not subject to unlawful discrimination; and would expect you not to discriminate against others;
  • resolve complaints about our organisation or those in it speedily;
  • maintain a simple record of your contact details and would suggest you read our policy on Data Protection which covers Privacy and Confidentiality;
  • we would ask you that you sign our Data Protection policy agreement when volunteering for LPCF
  • expect you to try to meet agreed time commitments or give notice if this is not possible; and
  • try to make your experience of volunteering with us enjoyable.

Volunteering period from ……………………………………….. to …………………………….
Given to ………………………(Volunteer) on ………………………………….(Date)
by ………………………………(Officer) …………………………

Lewisham Parent and Carer’s Forum,
Leemore Central Community Hub, Bonfield Road, London SE13 5EU – Registered Charity Number 1159533