Drumbeat Outreach are always trying to enhance the lives and school experiences of the children and young people we work with by developing our understanding of their life lived experiences and multiple perspectives.

One area of focus for them this school year is Peer Relationships and Experiences of Bullying. They are collecting information from young people, families and professionals working in schools to get a better understanding of the bullying behaviours experienced by autistic children and young people and what can be done to help. Drumbeat will use the information to create resources for young people and schools.

The attached questionnaire takes 5-10 mins to complete to let Drumbeat know what your family’s experience has been by FRIDAY 4TH NOVEMBER;

Survey for parents/carers – https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=NthLsP5ZmkewGdmKUdFnDAJ-7VgyXAJOjfaDsGuJS-BUNkU2QjVJQ1pNVk00UTBKSk9LQlVKOVBISC4u

Survey for children and young people – https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=NthLsP5ZmkewGdmKUdFnDAJ-7VgyXAJOjfaDsGuJS-BUNUsxQlNGRzhYQk9EV1pSUFBRQUNHVzhUUi4u